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Getting Started in Wellbeing+
Getting Started in Wellbeing+

How to set up your account, connect a device, and sync activity data

How Do I Set Up a Wellbeing+ Account?Use this article to help you register for a Wellbeing+ account
What Fitness Trackers and Smartwatches Can Play?Does my device connect and sync to Wellbeing+?
My Device Isn't Listed. Can I Still Participate?Learn how to use a device that doesn't directly connect to Wellbeing+ to participate in your challenges

How Does the Activity Converter Work?Learn how the activity converter works and how you can use it convert non-stepping activities into steps and distance
What is the Activity Converter and How Do I Use It?Learn how to convert non-stepping activities like cycling and yoga into steps and distance
How to Add Manual ActivitiesLearn how to add steps, distance, and minutes to your Wellbeing+ account data with manual activity entry