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How Does the Activity Converter Work?

Learn how the activity converter works and how you can use it convert non-stepping activities into steps and distance

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Written by Wellbeing+ Team
Updated over 8 months ago

What is the activity converter?

The activity converter allows you to convert your time spent performing common activities like cycling and yoga into steps and distance straight from the Wellbeing+ mobile app. When you convert an activity, you have the option to select which metrics (steps, distance, and active minutes) you want added to your daily activity. You can choose to add 1, 2, or all 3 metrics, depending on what your device has already credited you for.

Data added through converted activities will be combined with any device data synced for the day. Learn more about how to log converted activities from the Wellbeing+ app here.*

*Please note: It is up to your challenge admin to enable the activity converter. If you do not see the option to add activity, it is not allowed for your challenge.

Why use the activity converter?

The most common reason to use the activity converter is to convert your time spent performing non-step based activities like cycling and swimming into steps so that you can compete in a step-based challenge, even if your preferred activities aren’t step-based. This helps to level the playing field for step and distance-based challenges regardless of how you prefer to get active.

Another reason you may want to use the converter would be to add an activity where you weren’t wearing your fitness tracking device. If you forgot to wear your device on your morning walk, for example, adding your walk through the converter can help you get credit for that activity.

How does the activity converter work?

How do I use the activity converter to convert my activities?

For step-by-step instructions on converting activities from the Wellbeing+ app, click here.

How are the conversion rates for steps and distance determined?

When you use the activity converter, you are asked to select an activity and enter a duration. Using this data, the converter will display a converted steps and distance total along with your active minute total based on the duration you entered.

When reviewing the conversion, you have the option to select which metrics you want added to your daily activity. You can choose to add 1, 2, or all 3 metrics, depending on what your device has already credited you for. Simply check the metric(s) you want added, and then select Save activity to save your entry to your account:

The activity converter calculates totals based on effort exerted and workout intensity to find an approximate step total. Steps are converted into distance at a rate of 2,000 steps to 1 mile (or approximately 3,219 steps to 1 km).

Activity converter calculations have been sourced from a combination of various sources including NASA, PEHP Utah, and Washington University Wellness.

Which activities can I convert?

The activity converter should be used to get credit for activities that aren’t tracked by your device in steps. Do not convert activities that have already been credited to your account via a connected device.

Non-step based activities like cycling, swimming, weight lifting, and yoga are good examples of commonly converted activities, since you do not earn steps during these activities.

It is possible to convert step-based activities with the converter as well, such as walking and running. However, these activities should only be converted if you did not receive credit for those activities via a connected device. See the full list of activities to convert below.

Note that you should aim to only convert time you were actively engaged in an activity. If you're performing an activity with longer periods of rest in-between (such as a sport where you rest between games), do not convert rest time to add via the converter. Only add the active time you spent performing the activity.

Activity options for the activity converter




Circuit training


Cycling, easy pace

Cycling, moderate pace

Cycling, vigorous pace






HIIT (High intensity interval training)


Ice skating


Judo & Karate

Jumping rope










Running, 10 minute mile

Running, 8 minute mile






Stair machine




Table tennis

Tae Kwon Do

Tai Chi



Walking, average, 20 minute mile

Walking, power walk, 15 minute mile

Walking, stroll, 30 minute mile

Water aerobics

Water polo

Weight lifting

Wheelchair user (manual)


Yard work



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