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Cycling FAQs

Learn what data syncs to Wellbeing+ from a cycling workout, how to convert cycling activities for credit in Wellbeing+, and more.

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Written by Wellbeing+ Team
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Looking to get credit for your cycling activity on Wellbeing+? Check out our Cycling FAQs below for best practices and guidance.

Note: Your challenge admins at your organization are in charge of your account settings. Depending on your organization’s account settings, you have different options for how to get credit for your cycling data in Wellbeing+.

General information

What data syncs to Wellbeing+?

Wellbeing+ pulls in steps, distance, and active minutes from connected devices. With step-based activities like walking and running, your connected device should credit you with steps and distance from these activities automatically. However, activities like cycling are not step-based, and are not accounted for in your step and distance totals automatically.

Can I sync cycling data to Wellbeing+?

Your active minutes earned through cycling or biking may sync to Wellbeing+ from a connected device, but Wellbeing+ does not sync steps or distance from cycling workouts automatically.

Here is what you can expect to sync to Wellbeing+ from a cycling workout:

Sync to Wellbeing+?

How to get credit?

Steps from cycling workouts

No step totals should sync to Wellbeing+ from a cycling workout. Your device should only track step totals for step-based activities.

If your organization has the activity converter enabled, you can convert your time spent cycling to the equivalent step total to add to your activity totals.

Distance from cycling workouts

No distance totals should sync to Wellbeing+ from a cycling workout. Wellbeing+ pulls in step-based distance totals from your device only, and does not sync in cycling distance data.*

*Note: Garmin devices may send us combined walking & cycling data. Click here for more information.

If your organization has the activity converter enabled, you can convert your time spent cycling to the equivalent walking distance total to add to your activity totals.

Minutes from cycling workouts

✅ *

*Note: If you’re using the Apple Health app or Health Connect, time spent cycling will not sync.

If you received credit for active minutes from your cycling workout on your connected device, then those minutes should sync to Wellbeing+! You can learn more about active minutes here.

Are activities like biking automatically converted to steps and distance in Wellbeing+?

No, Wellbeing+ will not automatically convert non-step based activities like biking to steps and distance. You will need to manually convert your cycling activity to the equivalent step and distance totals using the activity converter, if it is enabled by your admins for your organization. You can learn more about the activity converter here, and see FAQs about using the converter for cycling here.

If the activity converter is not enabled for your organization, you will only be able to get credit for activity that is tracked by your connected fitness device.

Does my device convert activities like biking into steps and distance?

No, your connected device will not convert activities such as cycling to step or distance totals before syncing to Wellbeing+.

Device specific questions

How do I sync cycling tracked by my Apple Watch?

Wellbeing+ pulls in Steps, Walking & Running Distance, and Exercise Minutes from the Health app on your phone. Your time spent cycling should sync to Wellbeing+ via Exercise Minutes depending on the intensity of your workout, but we won't sync in Cycling Distance.

Note: If you’re using the Apple Health app to sync to Wellbeing+ and do not connect an Apple Watch, time spent cycling will not sync. Learn more here.

How do I sync cycling from Peloton?

You can connect the Peloton app to the Apple Health app. Wellbeing+ pulls in Steps, Walking & Running Distance, and Exercise Minutes from the Health app on your phone. Your time spent cycling should sync to Wellbeing+ via Exercise Minutes depending on the intensity of your workout, but we won't sync in Cycling Distance.

How do I sync cycling from Garmin?

Wellbeing+ pulls in Steps, Distance, and Intensity Minutes from the Garmin Connect app on your phone. Wellbeing+ can only connect to devices that report steps. If your device doesn't report steps, it will not sync with Wellbeing+. Wellbeing+ cannot sync data from Garmin Edge devices or other bike computers. See here for a list of Garmin devices we can connect with.

Your time spent cycling should sync to Wellbeing+ via Intensity Minutes depending on the intensity of your workout. Garmin devices may also send Wellbeing+ a combined distance total of both running/walking distance and cycling distance.

If your Garmin device is syncing combined running/walking and cycling distance totals to Wellbeing+, and you need to have more control over those totals for a current distance-based challenge, you have a few options:

Option 1. Connect to another device option during the challenge.

Option 2. Remove your Garmin permissions and use manual entry during the challenge.

  • To remove permissions for Wellbeing+ to sync your Garmin data, go to and scroll down to remove the permissions for Wellbeing+ (click the "Disconnect" button).

  • Manual entry must be enabled by your organization. If manual entry is not enabled, we suggest connecting to another device option.

How do I sync cycling from another app/device that does not connect with Wellbeing+ (such as Strava, MapMyRide, etc.)?

If your device's mobile app can send steps to the Apple Health app for iPhone or Health Connect for Android phones, then we should be able to pull those steps into Wellbeing+ as well.

Note: This option does require your device app to reliably send step data into Health Connect/Apple Health. Wellbeing+ cannot guarantee that your device’s app will accurately and reliably sync your data to Health Connect/Apple Health.

Wellbeing+ only pulls in steps, distance from walking/running, and exercise/move minutes from the Apple Health app or Health Connect on your phone. Your time spent cycling should sync to Wellbeing+ as active minutes depending on the intensity of your workout and the device you're syncing from, but we won't sync in cycling distance.

Follow these steps to see if you can send steps to Health Connect/Apple Health:

  1. Check to see if your device's app can send steps to the Health Connect app (on an Android phone) or Apple Health app (on an iPhone). Typically, this option can be found in the Settings menu of your device's app if it's available.

  2. Follow the prompts to connect your device's app to Health Connect/Apple Health. Confirm that steps are showing correctly in Health Connect/Apple Health from your device app to make sure the connection is working.

  3. Moving forward, to sync successfully, please open your device's app first > then Health Connect or Apple Health > then Wellbeing+ to make sure steps are syncing correctly.

If you have an iPhone, you may also want to confirm that your source priorities are adjusted so that your steps from your device app are prioritized over the steps tracked by your iPhone. Look for the "Prioritize data sources" heading here for help with that.

Using the activity converter

If the activity converter is enabled for your organization, you should see the option to select Add activity from your dashboard and then you'll see the Convert activity button.

Note: It is up to your challenge admin to enable the activity converter. If you do not see the option to add activity, it is not allowed for your challenge.

How do I get credit for steps and distance from a cycling workout in Wellbeing+?

The activity converter can be used to get credit for non step-based activities, such as cycling. You should not convert activities that have already been credited to your account via a connected device.

For example, if you’re an Apple Watch user and you just completed a 30-minute indoor cycling workout, you can use the activity converter to add the equivalent steps and distance you would have earned for a similar step-based workout. Since you already got credit for your active minutes from your connected Apple Watch, un-check your active minutes time before saving your converted activity.

Note: Your challenge admins are in charge of your account settings for your organization, and decide whether to enable or disable the activity converter.

Click here for detailed instructions on using the activity converter.

Why does the converter show a different distance total than my distance cycled?

The activity converter takes your time spent performing a non-stepping activity such as cycling and converts it into the equivalent step total based on the intensity of the activity. Then, steps are converted into distance at a rate of 2,000 steps to 1 mile (or approximately 3,219 steps to 1 km).

The aim of the converter is not to include your total cycling distance, but rather to convert your cycling workout to the equivalent walking distance, so you should expect the converted distance total to be lower than your actual cycling distance. This allows you to compete with others in your challenge fairly, as all activities are represented as walking/running.

What activity should I select to convert if I am biking outside, doing a spin class, or doing indoor cycling?

We combined all spin/bike activities into the category "Cycling." Please use the “Cycling” category for these activities.

Which cycling pace should I choose for the converter?

You can select from "Cycling, easy pace," "Cycling, moderate pace," or "Cycling, vigorous pace" depending on the speed and intensity of your ride.

The vigorous cycling option should account for higher-intensity cycling workouts, whereas the easy cycling option accounts for rides where your heart rate and speed remain lower. You can learn more about what would count as a moderate vs. vigorous workout here.

The converter calculations provided are based the intensity of your workout and were developed using a combination of sources, including PEHP Utah and Washington University Wellness.

What if active minutes have already synced to Wellbeing+ from my connected device?

You can uncheck any metrics you do not need added to your account when converting activities. Simply uncheck the active minute metric if you have already received credit for your time spent cycling and only want to get the equivalent step & distance totals added.

Should I enter my cycling activity through manual entry or the activity converter?

You should typically use the activity converter to get credit for any non-step based activities, including cycling. The converter allows you to compete with others in your challenge fairly, as all activities are represented as walking/running.

Need more help?

If you have any remaining questions that were not addressed in this guide, please contact our support team via the in app messenger, and we’d be happy to answer your questions.

Happy cycling! 🚴

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