Test challenges are only available to clients who have purchased a plan with a limit on the number of challenges that can be run per year.
If you have access to create unlimited challenges and want to run a test, simply create a challenge and ensure the visibility is set to hidden.
We recommend admins new to the Wellbeing+ platform run a test challenge before creating an official challenge. This allows you, the admin, to learn the platform and avoid mistakes before running an official challenge. Test challenges allow you to better prepare for what to expect during your official challenge. This can also help you anticipate user questions and arm you with the right answers to any user questions.
Test challenges are limited to 45 days or less. To simulate a real challenge environment, test challenges can include up to 5 participants.
When should you run a test challenge?
We recommend running your first test challenge before you begin onboarding users to Wellbeing+. You’ll want to understand the basic features of the app to better plan your programming, and to feel prepared for things like posts to your content module, and running challenge reports to see final results.
It can also be useful to run a test challenge before introducing a new challenge mode to users. For example, you'll want to test out more complicated challenge modes like Team Leaderboard.
When running a test challenge, make sure you’ve set it to Hidden. This will prevent non-testers from being able to join. You can set a challenge to Hidden during the challenge creation process, or by navigating the challenge page in the admin center and toggling on Hidden under Challenge Visibility: