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Challenge End Guide

Learn when challenge scores are finalized and what to do before your challenge ends

Wellbeing+ Team avatar
Written by Wellbeing+ Team
Updated over 4 months ago

Scores finalized 3 days after challenge end date

All challenges have a grace period of 72 hours. This gives users 3 days to sync their final activity data to the app and challenge. Once the grace period ends, all challenge stats are final and totals cannot be updated. You can end your challenge before this 3 day grace period is over by following the steps below.

Ending challenges early

You have the option to shorten the grace period or end your challenge early. If you use this option, we recommend letting users know the new cut off time. Click here for steps on how to end a challenge early. Note: This action is permanent.

Send end of challenge reminder

Use content, chat, or announcements to remind participants to sync their device before the challenge ends. Check out our end-of-challenge communication templates.

Final reporting

Wait until the challenge scores are finalized to download your challenge report. This article will walk you through how to run reports using the Admin Center. Run the report that corresponds to the challenge mode used. For example: run a Streak Report to see results from your Streak challenge. Fun fact: you can use reports for so much more than final challenge scores.

Announce winners

Once you’ve downloaded the final stats, you can announce winners! Communicate to your users with this email template or use one of our colorful and customizable achievement graphics. You can also use announcements to post results and winners.

Have questions?

Check out our Admin Resources within the Wellbeing+ Help Center. Or, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy stepping!

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