Team challenges can be set up in a few different ways; Users can join teams, create teams or be placed on teams. Please note: a user must have an existing account on the Wellbeing+ platform in order to be added to a team!
How to manually add users to teams
You must have your team challenge and at least one team created in order to add a user to that specific team. Follow the steps below:
1. Go to your Challenges tab in the side navigation menu and select into the correct challenge.
2. Select the Participants tab below your challenge details.
βYou must add all participants to the challenge, or this user must already be in the challenge, prior to being able to add them to their respective team
3. Use the 'Add users' button to add members to the challenge:
βOnce any/all members are added to the challenge, navigate back to the challenge main page.
4. Select users to add to the challenge and click the 'Add to Challenge' button:
Note: You can search by first name, last name, username, and/or email to find a specific user in your group's account.
5. Scroll down to the Team module and select 'Manage Teams':
6. Select into the team of choice:
7. Select the Team Members tab from the Team Overview page:
8. Select the green 'Add users to team' button:
9. Select the users you'd like to add to the team as shown below and select the green 'Add to team' button to update the team assignment:
Congratulations! You've successfully added those users to the team. If necessary, return to the Manage Teams page (step 5) and repeat for any additional teams.
It's important to remember that if a user is removed from the challenge, whether they accidentally do it or it's done through the Admin Center, they must first be added to the challenge and then their respective team.
How to remove a user from a team
1. Go to your Challenges tab and select into the correct challenge.
2. Scroll down to the Team module and select 'Manage Teams':
3. Select into the team of choice:
4. Select the Team Members tab from the Team Overview page:
5. Select the box next to the users name and select Remove.
6. Remove this user from their team.
Please note: If a user is removed from their team they will still remain in the overall challenge. The next time they log in they will still see the Join Team button and they can join back onto their team. So please consider removing them from the challenge all together if you no longer want them to access the challenge.